The journal Con-Textos Kantianos is now accepting submissions

The journal Con-Textos Kantianos is now accepting submissions for the monographic section – “Kant and the meanings of harmony”- of its 2/2015 issue. Original papers tackling the “concepts” of harmony throughout Kant’s writings are welcomed. Submission might consider Kant’s appraisal of harmony from the point of view of his idea of system, cosmology, theory of knowledge, as well as aesthetical and biological reflexions, moral and political thought, philosophy of history. Also Kant’s “theoretical dialogues” with other thinkers are more than welcomed.

Each essay should be comprehensively contained within 40.000 characters (notes included). Papers have to be submitted without references to the author(-s) in order to be evaluated through a peer review process. Authors will convey their personal data in a different word file. Such a file could be saved as “Key words of title_author’s data.doc”. Papers and files can be sent to the following addresses:;

Deadline for submission: September 30th, 2015

For further information contact (guest editor):;

Con-Textos Kantianos aims at boosting the philological and critical research on Kant studies, considering also actual discussions on Kant’s thought. It is an international and cosmopolitan inspired e-journal, which admits submissions in Spanish, English, German, French, Italian and Portuguese. The main purposes of the journal are to enhance the development of a Kant scholarship network at the Latin American scale and to tighten the links between research groups already consolidated in different countries and languages.