Author Archive

V. Yermolayev. Kant on “Logical Objection” to Ontological Argument: Fragment R 3706

1. On the term “logical argument” In “The ontological proof of God’s existence” [17]

V. Chaly. Anthropological Foundations of John Rawls’ Political Theory

A certain understanding of human nature is always at the core of a political

V. Bazhanov. Kantian Motifs in Logic and Philosophy of Science. The Idea of Unity of A Priory And Empirical Elements of Cognition

I. Kant’s philosophical ideas refer to the most concealed features and elements of cognitive

S. Chernov. Zero Philosophy

… Gives itself a senseless possibility of an extrasensory experience, directly contradicting itself (to

V. Belov. Russian Neo-Kantianism: History and Development

Introduction It is both very difficult and easy to write about the Russian Neo-Kantianism

Leonid N. Stolovich. On The Fate of Kant Collection at Tartu University

For a long time, the research library of Tartu University has housed four letters

Kant’s Question “What is Enlightenment?” Was Answered at the Conference in Berlin

Interdisciplinary Conference consisted of series of reports by the invited guests followed by general

Michail Minakov. Epistemological Significance of Faith: Kant’s notion of ‘Vernunftglaube’ and its Interpretations

Since the ‘divorce’ of philosophy and theology in early Modern Time, the both began

Katsutoshi Kawamura. Kants Kritik an der Goldenen Regel

Es ist bereits von mehreren Forschern wiederholt erwähnt und erläutert worden, dass zwischen dem

Tatiana Rumyantseva. The Hegelian idea of moral significance of wars versus the Kantian idea of perpetual peace

In my speech, I would like to focus your attention on the alternative ideas

Kant. Aphorismen

Zitatensammlung aus den Werken von Immanuel Kant ist von Prof. Wladimir Bryuschinkin addiert und

Leonard Kalinnikov. Kant’s philosophy of history and the idea of World Federative Union of Nations and States

1. Kant’s system is unique: it was built as means to achieve the practical

Nelly Motroshilova about translations and translators

  Within the expert survey on the priorities of Kant studies Professor Nelly V.

Kant Sentencje

Zbiór fragmentów z dzieł Immanuela Kanta opracował prof. dr hab. W. Briuszynkin. Zawiera sentencje

Interview mit Dr. Werner Stark – 2. Teil

Dr. Werner Stark, Honorarprofessor an der Philipps-Universität Marburg und weltweit bekannte Expert in der