5th Kant Multilateral Colloquium
The Faculty of Philosophy of the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM) and the Faculty of Philosophy of the National Open University of Madrid (UNED), both headquartered in Madrid, organize the 5th Kant Multilateral Colloquium, to be held September 9th-12th, 2014.
This Colloquium gives continuity to the initiative sponsored by Brazilian, Portuguese and Italian Kantian scholars to enhance the contacts between Kantian scholars from different countries. The first edition took place in Italy (Verona and Padua, 2008), followed by Portugal (Lisbon, 2009), Germany (Mainz, 2011) and Brazil (Tiradentes, 2013).
The 5th Kant Multilateral Colloquium will be held in the abovementioned Faculties of Philosophy and will have this subject: «Kant’s short Writings (Kleine Schriften)».