Nina Dmitrieva is scientific director of the Academia Kantiana,  Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (IKBFU); Professor of Philosophy, Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU); Associated Member of the Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für die Erforschung der Europäischen Aufklärung (IZEA), Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg; Corresponding Member Abroad of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). 

She is editor-in-chief of the Kantian Journal (Kaliningrad, Russia).

Her work centers in Russian and German Neo-Kantianism, Kant reception in Russia, History of Russian and Continental Philosophy in the 19th and 20th Centuries, History and Theory of Intellectuals.

She is the author of more than 140 publications, among them books Russian Neo-Kantianism. “Marburg” in Russia: Historical-Philosophical Essays (2007, in Rus.), Boris A. Fokht [Vogt]: to the History of Russian Neo-Kantianism (1999, in Rus.).

In the Kantian Rationality Lab she works in study of Kantian approach to technologies of reproduction of rationality in education and in the “New Enlightenment”.

ORCID: 0000-0003-1092-0321 

Author ID SCOPUS: 37105943500 

ResercherID Web of Science: D-6316-2017 

Author ID RSCI: 312476 

Email: NDmitrieva [at]

Membership in other research institutions 

Publications (140+)

Books (in Russian)

Dmitrieva, N.A., 1999. Boris Aleksandrovich Fokht: k istorii russikogo neokantianstva [Boris Alexandrovich Fokht: Study in the History of the Russian Neo-Kantianism], “Prometei”, Moskva, 102 pp.  

Fokht (Vogt), B.A., 2003. Izbrannoe (iz filosofskogo naslediya) [Selected Papers (Form Philosophical Heritage)]. Edited and commented with introduction by Nina A. Dmitrieva, “Progress-Traditsiya”, Moskva, 456 pp.

Dmitrieva, N.A., 2007. Russkoe neokantianstvo: “Marburg” v Rossii. Istoriko-filosofskie ocherki [Russian Neo-Kantianism: Marburg in Russia. Historical-Philosophical Studies], Moscow: ROSSPEN, 511 pp. (Seria: “Humanitas”).

Reviews of the monography outwith Russia

  • Markov, A., N. Dmitriyeva. Russian Neo-Kantianism. “Marburg” in Russia: Historical-Philosophical Essays, in: Social Sciences. A Quarterly Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, vol. 40 (2009), no. 3, pp. 153-159.
  • Möckel, Ch., Nina Dmitrieva: Russkoje neokantianstvo: “Marburg” v Rossii. Istoriko-filosofskije očerki. Serija: Humanitas. Izdatelstvo Rossijskaja političeskaja enziklopedija. Moskva 2007. 511 s. (Nina Dmitrieva: Russischer Neukantianismus: “Marburg” in Rußland. Philosophiegeschichtliche Essays. Reihe: Humanitas. Verlag Russische politische Enzyklopädie. Moskau 2007, 511 S.), in: Philosophische Literaturanzeiger, Bd. 61, H. 3/2008 (Juli-September), S. 263-268.
  • Zank, M., Nina Dmitrieva, Russian Neo-Kantianism: Marburg in Russia. Historical-philosophical sketches, Moscow, 2007 (ISBN 978-5-8243-0835-8) 511 pp., in Russian, with a table of contents and a six page summary in German; including also an appendix of letters, an extensive bibliography, and twelve pages of photographic images between text pages 256 and 257, in: North American Hermann Cohen Society:

Griftsova, I.N., Dmitrieva, N.A. (eds.), 2010. Neokantianstvo nemetskoye i russkoye: mezhdu teoriyei poznaniya i kritikoi kultury [German and Russian Neo-Kantianism: between Theory of Knowledge and Critique of Culture], Moscow: ROSSPEN, 568 pp. (Seria: “Humanitas”).

Trendelenburg, F.A., 2017. Elements of Aristotle’s Logic. Traslated from Latin & German by B. Fokht (Vogt), A. Vashestov, M. Demin; Introduction by M. Demin; Foreword by N.A. Dmitrieva & M. Demin, edited by N.A. Dmitrieva. Moscow: “Kanon plus”, 336 pp.

Dmitrieva, N.A. (ed.), 2022. Kantian Rationality in Science, Society, and Education. Kaliningrad, Moscow & Saint-Petersburg: Petroglif; Centre for Humanities, 510 pp. 

Books (in English)

Dmitrieva, N., Hanna, R., ChalyV. (eds.), 2022. Kant and the Ethics of Enlightenment: Historical Roots and Contemporary Relevance. Proceedings of the 12th International Kant-Readings Conference (Kaliningrad, 21-25 April 2019). Kaliningrad: Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Press (in print).

Articles (selected, outwith Russia and/or in foreign languages)

Dmitrieva, N.A., 2022. Kant im früheren russischen Neukantianismus, in: F. Stengel, H. Heidenreich (eds.), 2022. Kant um 1900. Hallesche Beiträge zur europäischen Aufklärung. Boston & Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 163-171.

Dmitrieva, N. A., 2021. The Kantian Origins of Sergey Rubinstein’s Theory of Moral Improvement. Journal of Philosophy of Education. Vol. 55, no. 6, рp. 1126-1141.

Dmitrieva, N.A., 2021. A. L. Sakketti. Philosophy of Hermann Cohen (Publication, Foreword and Commentary by N.A. Dmitrieva). Kantian Journal. Vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 95-130.

Dmitrieva, N.A., 2021. Kant in Early Russian Neo-Kantianism: The Case of Vvedensky, in: C. Serck-Hanssen and B. Himmelmann (eds.), 2021. The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. Oslo, 6—9 August 2019. Berlin & Boston: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 1247-1254.

Dmitrieva, N.A., 2020. Hermann Cohen’s Ethical Ideas in the Writings of Boris Pasternak. Russian Studies in Philosophy. Vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 279-291.

Dmitrieva, N. A., Zilber, A. S., Chaly, V. A., Kiselev, A. S., Bonadyseva, P. R., 2019. Kant’s Ethics in the Context of the Enlightenment. Report of the 12th Kant Readings Conference (Kaliningrad, 21-25 April 2019). Kantian Journal, 38(4), pp. 101-118. http://dx.doi:10.5922/0207-6918-2019-4-5  

Dmitrieva, N. A., 2017. Das Problem der Methode bei Hegel. Sergej Rubinstein und Hermann Cohen, in: H. Ferreiro, T.S. Hoffmann (eds.), 2017. Metaphysik — Metaphysikkritik — Neubegründung der Erkenntnis: Der Ertrag der Denkbewegung von Kant bis Hegel. Berlin: Dunckler & Humblot, pp. 321-332. (Begriff und Konkretion, Bd. 5).

Dmitrieva, N. A., 2016. Back to Kant, or Forward to Enlightenment: The Particularities and Issues of Russian Neo-Kantianism. Russian Studies in Philosophy. Vol. 54, no. 5: Neokantianism in Russia. pp. 378-394.

Dmitrieva, N.A., 2015. Hermann Cohens Konzept der Anthropodizee in der Sicht Jacob Gordins. Kantovsky Sbornik: Kant Studies Journal, pp. 78-86.

Dmitrieva, N.A., 2013. Geschichtskonzepte im russischen Neukantianismus: Nikolai Boldyrew und Jacob Gordin, in: Ch. Krijnen, M. de Launay (eds.), 2013. Der Begriff der Geschichte im Marburger und Südwestdeutschen Neukantianismus, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, pp. 173-193.

Dmitrieva, N.A., 2010. Mensch und Geschichte. Zur ‘anthropologischen Wende’ im russischen Neukantianismus. Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, vol. XII, no. 2, pp. 82–103. URL:

Dmitrieva, N.A., 2008. Il neokantismo russo. Storia di una corrente, in: Giornale critico della filosofia italiana, settima serie, vol. 4, fasc. II, no. 2, maggio-agosto, pp. 220-239 (in Italian, transl. by Marco Giovanelli).

Dmitrieva, N.A., 2008. Sergej Rubinsteins Hegelrezeption, in: Wolfram Hogrebe (ed.), 2008. Phänomen und Analyse. Grundbegriffe der Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts in Erinnerung an Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes (1807). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 83-93. 

Dmitrieva, N.A., 2008. Kantianism in the 20th Century: On the History of a Philosophical Tradition, in: V. Rohden, R.R. Terra, G.A. de Almeida, M. Ruffing (eds.), 2008. Right and Peace in Kant’s Philosophy / Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants. Akten des X. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Vol. 5: Sektions VIII–XIV, Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, pp. 391-402.

Dmitrieva, N.A., 2008. Positivismus und Marburger Neukantianismus: Die unterschiedlichen Wissenschaftsideen, in: S. Plaggenborg, M. Soboleva (eds.), 2008. Alexander Bogdanov. Theoretiker für das 20. Jahrhundert. München: Otto Sagner, pp. 39-66.

Dmitrieva, N.A., 2007. Lenin és az orosz értelmiséq: 1922 – „A filozófusok hajója“-nak áttekintő története [Lenin and Russian Intelligentsia: 1922. On the History of the “Philosophical Steamship”], in: Eszmélet. Társadalomkritikai és kultuális folyóirat. Megjelenik évente négyszer. Budapest, no. 76, pp. 156-183 (in Hungarian, transl. by Székely Ervin).

Dmitrieva, N.A., 2006. Iz istorii neokantianstva v Rossii [About the History of Neo-Kantianism in Russia], in: L. Fleishman (ed.), 2006. Eternity’s Hostage: Selected Papers from the Stanford International Conference on Boris Pasternak. May, 2004. Part II. Stanford: Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Stanford University, pp. 467–547. – (Stanford Slavic Studies 31:2) (in Russian).