Andrey S. Zilber – Research Fellow at Academia Kantiana, Institute for Humanities, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. Secretary of editorial board of Kantian Journal (Kaliningrad), member of organizing committee of the regular Kant Readings conference in Kaliningrad.
He studied philosophy in Kaliningrad and Frankfurt/Oder. From 2008 till 2012 he gave introductory courses in philosophy and philosophy of science at Kaliningrad State Technical University.
In 2015 and 2017 he carried out research tasks at Halle-Wittenberg University within his PhD project Kant’s Political Philosophy as Polemical Discourse (Philosophical Context), funded by DAAD and Russian Ministry of Education and Research. In 2016 and 2020 he was visiting scholar at Greifswald University. In 2013 he realized the project in history of Kant Studies in Königsberg at Marburg University.
Topics and tasks in Kantian Rationality Lab:
- Kantian rational model of citizenship, its role in the protection of sovereignty; correlation of citizenship and legal mechanisms for equalizing economic and social imbalances in the development of society and the state.
- Coordination of bibliographical work and supporting tasks
Researcher ID E-3515-2018
ORCID 0000-0002-8317-4086
Email: azilber [at]