Mikhail Yu. Zagirnyak – research fellow at Academia Kantiana, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, member of organizing committee of the regular Kant Readings conference in Kaliningrad.
He received his Ph.D. in 2012 (Thesis: Philosophical and legal ideas of Sergius Hessen: historical and philosophical context).
He is head of research projects on grants of the Russian Foundation for Humanities (2015-2017: The Problem of Democracy in the Neo-Kantian Philosophy of the Russian Abroad (1920-1950, XX Century)) and Russian Foundation for Basic Research (2019-2020: The concept of conciliarity (sobornost’) in the philosophy of the Russian emigration: a comparative historical investigation).
He participated in 8 research projects on the philosophy of the Russian Abroad, Russian Neo-Kantianism, published 26 articles in scientific journals.
Research tasks in the Kantian Rationality Lab:
The study of the principles and foundations of the rational organization of social institutions in the works of Russian Neo-Kantian thinker Sergius Hessen, the actualization of Hessen’s philosophy in the problem field of the New Enlightenment.
Researcher ID: Q-9395-2016
ORCID: 0000-0003-4024-0044
Scopus Author ID: 57196080153
Email: mikhail.zagirnyak [at] gmail.com